"He who looks out dreams.
Whoever looks in wakes up.”

Bjørge Rødfjell has the great pleasure of opening his art exhibition on 2 September in collaboration with Galleri M35.

The title of the exhibition is a quote from the famous psychiatrist and thinker Carl Jung and reflects the exhibition's journey through the interior; from dreams to parallel realities and stories about being human on unique life journeys. Rødfjell has undergone a change of style in this exhibition, where the focus is now on a more narrative expression. Through his art, he wants to create interesting stories and focus on the big existential questions in life. Rødfjell has put the classic design language at the centre, in combination with expressive elements and naive playfulness. He hopes the audience allows themselves to daydream in a magical universe that makes you wonder and admire.

Bjørge Rødfjell is an artist with a strong focus on classical craftsmanship in his paintings. He has roots from Gudbrandsdalen and lives in Asker. He loves to work without fixed rules in his artworks and likes to combine techniques and elements from all style periods. Each painting tells its own story where all the works can be interwoven into a whole in his exhibition. Rødfjell is a self-critical portrait painter and has previously shown modern interpretations of classic portraits decorated with pop art and street art elements. His Misfits Inc. works represent a more expressive side of his artistry and were featured in exhibitions in 2022.

Common to Rødfjell's art is that the works are always about people; about how we relate to the world and how animals have symbolic and non-symbolic roles to play around humans. It is important to Rødfjell that the public can draw their own stories from the symbolism and elements in his works, and therefore the experience of ephemerality is something that recurs in the paintings; nothing is fixed and finally determined. Rødfjell is known for having a technical mastery with the brush and a great breadth in his expression and his storytelling ability.

In addition to having participated in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad in the last decade, Rødfjell has also painted a portrait of the former mayor of Røyken municipality before the merger with Asker municipality, painted a portrait of Mahatma Ghandi on the occasion of the celebration of his 100th anniversary on commission from the Indian The embassy in Oslo, painted a t-shirt for the artist Ruben in connection with marking Black Lives Matter at Amnesty International Norway, designed covers for several well-known Norwegian artists and illustrated several books. Rødfjell's art has been bought by several hotels in Norway.

The exhibition runs until 24 September.

Bjørge Rødfjell's art collection